I'm Connie Chang (they/he/she), a trans, 1.5-generation Chinese-American actual play performer and tabletop roleplay game designer.I've been on Dimension 20, the New York Times, Dicebreaker, and Polygon. I'm currently available to play, GM, panel, or appear on your talk show. Email me at [email protected] and check out my games on Itch.

Who's this Connie person, anyway?
I'm passionate about running and making games that tell dark, gripping stories about flawed people, broken worlds, and finding hope at the bottom of a well. My background is in screenwriting and critical race studies, which means I'm constantly thinking about the power of storytelling.To me, actual play shows aren't just about rolling dice in front of an audience — they're a form of art, a way to deepen my craft as performer and storyteller. I bring high energy, vivid descriptions, and explosive characterization to every role I embody. Also, hot butch lesbian characters. Lots of them!Outside of TTRPGs, I like to strength train as a former competitive powerlifter, play FPS games, and collect frog-related memorabilia. I'm also a screenwriter juggling way too many scripts at any given time.
Actual play
I'm the Game Master and Creative Director for Transplanar RPG, an all-transgender, people of color-led dark fantasy TTRPG show streaming since June 2020. I'm also a TTRPG content creator on TikTok where I post GMing tips, RPG skits, and highlights from my campaigns.I'm currently available for hire as a guest player, recurring player, or Game Master for one-shots and limited series. I'm also available as a cultural consultant and sensitivity reader specializing in critical race studies with a focus on Chinese diasporic experiences, as well as queer and trans studies.I offer rates on a sliding scale with priority and flexibility given to projects led by marginalized people, especially Black, indigeneous, and other people of color. For more information, email me at [email protected].
Game design
I'm working on GODKILLER, a duet holypunk PbtA-inspired game for one player, the Godkiller, and one GM, God — set in a magically irradiated realm where gods eat each other for power, survival, and pleasure. The ashcan is AVAILABLE for purchase on Itch! The full game is currently under closed development with some very cool folks ;)I also write minigames, modules, and micro RPGs. You can buy my games on Itch. I frequently have community copies available; don't feel shy about nabbing a free PDF.I currently have limited availability for game design and writing work so my rates are higher than normal. You can contact me at [email protected].

Credits are arranged chronologically. I've highlighted notable appearances.Actual Play - Game Master:
- The Chaos Protocol Multi-system campaign with Sea Thomas, Valiant Dorian, Samm Star, and Cai K. on Transplanar RPG (June 2023 - present)
- The Second Stranger Dungeons & Dragons 5e series with Sea Thomas, Erica Fladeland, Max Guo, Lyra Olson, quinn b. rodriguez, Sailor Scout Austin, Dare Hickman, Hamnah Shahid, and Valiant Dorian on Transplanar RPG (June 2020 - present)
- Shoot Your One-Shot 2022 Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniseries with Nada/Nur, ScaryDogFriend, ThirdVaultYarns, Alyssa / ADisasterQueer, Sailor Scout Austin, CJ / ScholasticDrgn, Jon / RY0MASA, Chris Colòn, Zephiie, RK Wilde, DauntLys, Valiant Dorian, Nala J. Wu, Eli / Lazarus, Hamnah Shahid, Cai / estelofimadris, Dana / mistressdanaRPG, Navaar / SecretNerdPod, Dare Hickman, Amihan / TheRoseCleric, Lynn / GremlynnArt, Akemi / NinjaPenguinAM, quinn b. rodriguez, Gwen / glitchy pixie, PherBear, LiquidRina, Candace / ThatCandaceGirl, April Raygun, Samm / lustforlifeex, and Viditya Voleti on Transplanar RPG (October 2022)
- THE ANGEL YOU KNOW Halo 'n' Horns miniseries with Drakoniques, Hamnah Shahid, Bee Zelda, The Noir Enigma, SuperDillin,Wally the Friendly Slime, Sea Thomas, and co-GM Brandy Rose on Transplanar RPG (July 2022 - September 2022)
- Chasing Rain Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniseries with Chevon Velez, Mark J., Jinx Milano, and Elias Omar on Everrealm Adventures (August 2022)
- Strix Bitches Dungeons & Dragons 5e two-shot with Jasper William Cartwright, Jeremy Cobb, Liv Kennedy, Clyde Durkee, and Persephone Valentine on Three Black Halflings (July 2022)
- Andake Anthologies Volume I: The Hounds of Mercy Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniseries with Dare 2 Dream, quinn b. rodriguez, and Hamnah Shahid on Transplanar RPG (September 2021 - November 2021)
- Halo 'n' Horns one-shot to benefit Trans Lifeline with SuperDillin and Wally the Friendly Slime on SuperDillin (November 2021)
- FANTASY. PRO. WRESTLING Dungeons & Dragons 5e one-shot with Sea Thomas, Erica Fladeland, Max Guo, and Lyra Olsen on Gen Con 2021's virtual mainstage (October 2021)
- BIPOC Vamp Day I Want Your Bite one-shot with Nala Wu, RJ Kakkad, A Disaster Queer, and Curls Borealis on Huetopia TV (October 2021)
- Shoot Your One-Shot 2021 Dungeons & Dragons 5e four-shot with Sailor Scout Austin, z_myst, Rue (IlanaNight13), VelaskGoodbye, Hamnah Shahid, Dare 2 Dream, Quinn B. Rodriguez, Akinomi, Mitzi, Dustehill, Max Guo, Erica Fladeland, Lyra Olsen, and Sea Thomas on Transplanar RPG (July 2021 - August 2021)
- Gala Crashers! MASKS: A New Generation one-shot to benefit the Lupus Foundation of American with SuperDillin, Dare 2 Dream, Dare Devil Alyx, and Dani Yogani on ThornyDryad (July 2021)
- Quest RPG one-shot with Sea Thomas, EricaNewGirl, Max Guo, and Lyra Olsen on GenConTV (July 2021)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5e one-shot with Aabria Iyengar, Krystina Arielle, Critical Bard, and Gabe James Games on EffinFunny (June 2021)
- Godkiller One-Shot with Sea Thomas for Godkiller RPG's first-ever public playtest on Friends Who Roll Dice (March 2021)Actual Play - Player:
- Higher Education Dungeons & Dragons 5e Strixhaven series with Sea Thomas, Drakoniques, Hamnah Shahid, Liv in a Day, and GM Havana Rama on Vana (November 2022 - present)
- Lord of the Rings Savage Worlds one-shot with Aabria Iyengar, Critical Bard, Drakoniques, Eric Reichert, and GM Dom Zook on Saving Throw Show (November 2022)
- D20 Deathmatch Dungeons & Dragons 5e one-shot with Lexi / BlackGirlMage, Mudcat, and Caustic Phoenix on D20Deathmatch (October 2022)
- Coalescence Thirsty Sword Lesbians Pride charity one-shot with Candace / ThatCandaceGirl, Kay Damphyr, Naomi Kyle, and Youngles on Todd Moonbounce (June 2022)
- RPG Exploration Society - Avatar: Legends RPG miniseries with Bee Zelda, Havana Rama, Michelle Rapp, and Drakoniques on Saving Throw Show (January 2022 - February 2022)
- Into the Mysts Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniseries with the Bad DM, Noordin Ali Kadir, Stitched by Aras, and Gnomedic on Faeforge Academy (October 2021 - January 2022)
- Outlaws & Obelisks Dungeons & Dragons 5e series with Emily Axford, Jasper William Cartwright, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo, Jonathan Charles, and Jeremy Cobb on Three Black Halflings (September 2021 - December 2021)
- New Game Who Dis? Official Runequest three-shot with Noura Ibrahim, Tanya DePass, Matthew Capodicasa, and Troy Lavallee on the Glass Cannon Network (September 2021)
- Kahaaniyan Quest RPG and Monster of the Week series with Mariam Ahmad, Basheer Ghouse, Noordin Ali Kadir, Kup0Knight, Morgan (SirenaBesos), and Anino on Huetopia TV (April 2020 - August 2021)
- Once Upon a One-Shot Dungeons & Dragons 5e one-shot with Caldwell Tanner, Jasper William Cartwright, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo, and Jeremy Cobb on Three Black Halflings (July 2021)
- Con of the Dead Dungeons & Dragons 5e one-shot with RIPMika, Critical Bard, Joshua Simons, and Jasper William Cartwright, on The Walking Dead Universe/AMC (Twitch front page, July 2021)
- Official Lludwik's Labyrinth one-shot with Jasmine Bhullar, Gabe James Games, and Jennifer Kretchmer on Skybound Games (July 2021)
- Blades in the Dark one-shot with Danny Plays Gamez, Michelle Rapp, Sailor Austin, Nala Wu, and KP on Friends Who Roll Dice (Twitch front page, April 2021)
- Official Necrobiotic one-shot with Aabria Iyengar, Havana Rama, Livinaday, and Emily Earheart on Friends Who Roll Dice (April 2021)
- Scale Trek: The Vexed Generation Koboldly Go! one-shot with Alyx / DaredevilAlyx, Kappa / TheKappaChris, Seth / killxjill, and Wren / ThornyDryad on ThornyDryad (April 2021)
- Chapter 3 | Meat Pies and the Multiverse Dungeons & Dragons 5e guest star with Andrew Coons on The First Watch (January 2021)
- The Verity Manor Haunting Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniseries with Cora Eckert, Sea Thomas, Richard Barlow, Nina Nesseth, and Andrew on Venture Vault (October 2020)Panels:
- The Heart of Games: Designing, Embodying, and Celebrating Emotions in TTRPGs with Rae Jamila / Sword Queen Games, Jay Dragon / Possum Creek Games, Jason Pitre, and Kristin Devine on Big Bad Con 2021 (October 2021)
- Demystifying Session 0 with Kienna Shaw, RK Wilde, and Lauren Erwin on D&D Celebration 2021 (September 2021)
- How to Be a DM: Incorporating Player Backstories with Shelly Mazzanoble on Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon Talk (July 2021)
- How to Be a DM: Complex Villains with Shelly Mazzanoble on Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon Talk (June 2021)
- Dungeon Master Panel with B. Dave Walters, Deborah Ann Woll, Brandy Camel, Jim Davis, and Reuben Bresler on Dungeons & Dragons (May 2021)
- Transplanar RPG Interview with Greg Tito, Shelly Mezzanoble, Sea Thomas, Erica Fladeland, Max Guo, and Lyra Olsen on Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon Talk (January 2021)Talk Shows:
- The Braid of Character, Plot, and World with Brennan Lee Mulligan on Dimension 20's Adventuring Academy (October 2022)
- Interview - Reckless A-Talk: Connie Chang (Transplanar RPG) with Nathan on Reckless Attack (October 2022)
- Interview - Connie Chang - Transplanar RPG GM / Game Designer with Adam Powell on Snyder's Return (December 2021)
- Session Fifteen: The Success of "Let's Just See What Happens" with Navaar on Secret Nerd Podcast (September 2021)
- Episode 4 - Keep the Game Moving with Ezra Denny on Keep the Game Moving (July 2021)
- 016 - Producing an All-Trans, Non-colonial Livestream Game with Ketra Sedai on Roll Play Grow (May 2021)
- "Trials & Tribulations, Joys & Rewards, Epic Highs & Epic Lows" - with Connie Chang with Jasper William Cartwright, Jeremy Cobb, and Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo on Three Black Halflings (March 2021)
- Deep Thinking Geeks with Kaila Hawk, Joseph Hawk, and Will / GeekiestWill on The Geekiest Podcast (February 2021)
- Noncolonialism in DnD with Nikki Yager on Beholder to No One (October 2020)
- Episode 8 – GM Plans, Trans, and Audio Spiels with Alex Winterland and Not a Doctor Quinn on A Couple of Characters (October 2020)
- The Dungeon Episode 17 - Homebrewing Your World with Andrew Orvedahl and Harlan Kelly on Better Than Heroes (September 2020)Writing & Game Design:
- Designer for Halo 'n' Horns, a comedy RPG for two GMs, an angel and a devil, trying to win the soul of one mortal, the player (July 2021)
- Writer for 3 Chinese Dishes Your Fantasy Tavern Should Have for StartPlaying.Games (May 2021)
- Designer for Roll-Play, a system-agnostic, relationship-building minigame that provides structure to roleplaying (March 2021)
- Designer for Accelerated Combat, a new, faster, more cinematic way to handle random combat encounters in Dungeons & Dragons 5e (March 2021)Press & Misc. Achievements:
- Transplanar RPG is featured in Dicebreaker by Alex Meehan in “Playing at an all-trans POC table is a life-changing experience”: Transplanar creators on the importance of supporting diverse actual-play shows (May 2022)
- New York Times quote by Amelia Diamond in "Dungeons & Dragons Moves Beyond Nerd Culture" (May 2022)
- "Halo 'n' Horns" is featured in Dicebreaker alongside hundreds of other indie TTRPGs as part of a charity bundle for trans rights in Texas (March 2022)
- "Halo 'n' Horns" is played on Hyper RPG's Twitch channel with hosts Zac Eubank and Malika Lim featuring guest star Aabria Iyengar (July 2021)
- "Halo 'n' Horns" debuts at #6 under "Top Physical Games" on Itch (July 2021)